This website is edited by Vincent Beaurin
20 passage Saint-Sébastien 75011 Paris, France
+33 (0) 148 05 35 26
Siret 32797467100023 / TVA intracom. FR 63 327 974 671

The artworks and content of this website are subject to French copyright law.
All rights are reserved on these artworks.
Failing authorisation, the reproduction, the representation as well as any use of the works other than individual and private consultation are forbidden.
Any request for authorisation for any use must be addressed to : or ADAGP : 11, rue Berryer, 75008 PARIS, France
Tel: +33 Fax:+ 33

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Vincent Beaurin uses CURATOR STUDIO PRO - the professional management software for art galleries - Artwork, contact, billing, lending, newsletter and website update management.